Why ROA ?

Time is running...

Today, chemicals are being used in agricultural and livestock activities, urban life and many other areas.

Toxic agricultural pesticides, fertilizers, hormones and other chemical additives are damaging human health, agricultural crops and natural resources.

As per WHO reports, more than 6 million chemicals have been used so far and 2 million of them is still being used for agricultural activities.

Again as per stated in WHO reports, over 30 million people are under toxic effect of agricultural chemicals and more than 80 thousand people who are involved in agricultural life pass away due to effects of poisonus chemicals annually. Chemicals including carcinogenic materials are being prohibited in developed countries but still in use in developing or non developed countries. As an example, it is being used between 3 to 5 million liters of poisonous chemicals per year for under cover agricultural production in Antalya. Some chemicals which are forbidden to use in EU and USA but allowed to produce are being used in countries like Turkey. The only way to get rid of toxic effects of chemical products is to apply ecological agricultural methods and to use biological&organic protections for crops.

Toxic Agricultural Pesticides...

Threat to human health

Chemical pesticides are not only affecting people who are involved in agricultural business and applying those products, but also everybody with residue remained on or penetrated into the structure of agricultural crops. It is proven that those residues are not only present on surface of crops but also penetrate into the structure which causes several cancers.

Insecticides are killing all...

Insecticides which are being used to protect plants are also damaging useful insects.

Premature harvesting

It clearly shows the toxic effect of those chemicals that there must be a time frame between harvesting and usage of those products. In this time frame the toxic effect is supposed to be gone. Due to some economical reason the premature harvesting of crops is carrying a high risk for human health.

Goodbye to chemicals...

ROA Biyoteknoloji

Today the usage of all those posionous chemicals which damage the natural life is being prohibited.

Those are,

  • Insecticides
  • Miticides and Nematicides
  • Fungustats
  • Herbicides

As a replacement of those chemicals, organic and natural extracts increasing the yield and endurance of soil, reinforcement of seeds and protecting useful insects are being

more popular.


Poisonous agricultural pesticides are not only a threat for humans and plants but also pets, birds, fishes, livestock, and wild life.

But the worst effect of those is over the bees which are very critical for the continiuty of life.

Honeybees and all other bees who supply the pollination between plants are being killed because of the toxic effects of those chemicals and ecological balance of the world is in danger. The CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) has shown a significent increase because of the toxic effects of those chemicals.

Chemical fertilizer era is approaching to end

In the very near future, the usage of granular fertilizers will be given up. ROA Biyoteknoloji

In addition to the toxic effects over human being, those fertilizers make lands barren and reduces resistance against erosion. In long term, those chemicals turn plants into addicted asking for more chemicals every year to supply the continuity of production.

When those fertilizers are applied to the soil, changes the pH value of soil, obstructs the useful microorganisms and damages the natural balance of under soil life.

Killing mosquitos or natural life?

Chemicals used against mosquitos in urban life damage the birds, fishes, frogs more than mosquitos. Those chemicals stays in the air for 6-8 hours are being breathed into lungs or being arsorbed by the skin. ROA Biyoteknoloji

It is reported the rate of success via this method is %21 over all mosquito population.

Aflatoxin; danger in silage and product drying

Aflatoxin is a carcinogenic material which is formed during the drying process because of the humidity and increasing of temperature. B1 form of the aflatoxin has an ability to change the genetic structure and can not be defeated via using the chemical methods. Aflatoxin B1, can reach to human body thru the products of livestock who are being feeded by the materials including that form of Aflatoxin. ROA Biyoteknoloji

EUREPGAP ProtokolüROA Biyoteknoloji

'EURAGAP' - A system for production of safe agricultural products frames the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) on farms which defines essential elements for the development of best practice for the global production of Fruits and Vegetables. Defines the minimum standard acceptable to the EUREGAP leading retail groups in Europe.

EUREP (Euro Retailer Produce Working Group) represents leading European food retailers and uses GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) as a frame work for verification. It is presently specially designed for business in the framework for verification. It is presently designed specifically for business in the fresh produce supply chain especially Fruits and Vegetables. European retailers import their produce from all corners of the globe. Retailers also require some type of guarantee or assurance that the produce they are putting on their shelves is not going to harm their consumers. As a result, retailers are requiring farmers to comply with the minimum internationally accepted standards such as the EUREPGAP standard for their produce to be sold on their supermarket shelves.

EUREPGAP offers a means of incorporating Integrated Crop Management (ICM) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices within the framework of commercial agricultural production. The EUREPGAP (Fresh Fruit and Vegetable) Protocol describes essential elements and develops best practice for global production of fresh produce and Horticultural products. It demonstrates a grower's commitment to customer and ability to produce safe and clean food, under an exhaustive system (HACCP) verified by an internationally recognized independent third party.

The foals are essentially to reduce the risks of EURAPGAP food safety lapses in agricultural production and to objectively ensure best practice by verifying established reference point, ensuring a systematic and consistent standard applied through out the world. This is achieved by means off EUREGAP Protocol and Compliance Criteria. Retailer and consumer confidence through responsible and EURAGAP ensures sustainable agricultural production.

Ensure their commitment in maintaining consumer satisfaction EURAGAP growers certified in food quality and safety, minimizing detrimental impact on the environment, whilst conserving nature and wildlife, reducing the use of agrochemicals, Improving the efficiency of natural resources use, ensuring a responsible attitude towards worker health and safety.

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